After you have your wear and carry pistol license you will need an
8 hour refresher every time you reapply for your pistol license.
Refresher Dates
March 30, 2025, SUNDAY CLASS
10am to 3pm
American Post 278
800 Romancoke Rd.
Stevensville. Maryland 21666
one live fire training date
March 31st 2025 Monday
from 8:30am to 2:30pm
Schraders Outdoors, Henderson, Maryland
We have an extra live fire training date on April 1st in case needed from 830am to 2:30pm
Wear & Carry Live Fire Information
Please make every effort to be on time. Please don't inconvenience other students. Time is extremely limited. We will not have an opportunity to make up time lost. We will meet inside the clubhouse (Schrader's Outdoors, Henderson, Maryland.410-758-1824)
Make sure to bring more WATER than you think you will need. Gatorade and flavored drinks are not sufficient by themselves to correctly hydrate in the extreme heat on the range. Bring snacks (lots). Fully charge your cell phones. Remember to bring all of your ammo with you also.
There is no pistol ammo to buy at this range.
Better to bring too much ammo than too little. The more you bring the more we will shoot. Bring at least 300 rounds.
Be mentally and physically ready to be able to do the following on your own during the live fire sessions. You will be doing these tasks all day by your self.
(A) Safely Load and unload your pistol. Loading magazines.
(B) Lock the side of the pistol open.
(C) Cycling of the slide in order to load or unload your pistol
(D) Follow directions of the Instructor and remain focused.
(E) Safely handle your pistol and always keeping the pistol pointed down range in a safe direction.
Things to remember and comply with :
1. We shoot in the rain or other poor weather. (We need training to be ready in all weather environments) We also shoot in extreme cold or heat. It will be very cold on the range. Begin hydrating with water well before the training. Yes, you can dehydrate in cold weather also.
2. You should buy a holster for your pistol. A hardshell one for outside the hip with a finger release locks suggested. Training with a pistol by picking it from a table is not really training you to your full potential. We highly recommend that you obtain a Blackhawk Serpa CQD holster and Safariland 3 magazine ammo pouch. We recommend holsters that will be good to use under a business suit or jeans with cover shirt. We will not be drawing from an in the belt holster during this training because of the high risk of accidental discharge is probably not the best thing for this training. Its ok if you don't have a holster or ammo pouch. We will simply work from the table. Just keep in mind to one day get one. We have a holster and mag pouch for Glock you can borrow if needed. PLEASE WEAR JEANS OR SHORTS WITH BELT LOOPS AND YOUR STRONGEST BELT (FOR HOLDING A GUN AND AMMO ON YOUR BODY)
3.You are required to pay for the cost of the use of the range which is $15 per hour. We understand this can all be expensive but consider this an investment in yourself and all of you are certainly worth the time, effort and money we will be spending.
4. You need to bring at least 300 NEW rounds of ammo for your gun. We will be doing a lot of shooting. Do not buy reloaded ammo, we will not put it in our guns. You may have an increase jam of your weapon probability with poor or reloaded ammo. You are welcome to use it in your guns if you like. They do not sell pistol ammo at the range YOU NEED TO BUY IT PRIOR TO THE SHOOTING SESSIONS. SEEK AMMO AT YOUR LOCAL GUN SHOP
5. We have ear and eye protection for you if you don't have it.
6. Please remember that time is extremely precious . Please make certain that if we are going to meet, please do not cancel. Cancelling creates a HUGE inconvenience. Prioritize this training. We are prioritizing you, so please prioritize us. There is very limited range time. We are hearing that there will be approximately 800,000 applications getting put in for wear and carry licenses. The longer we wait to get this done, the more applications will be in front of yours thus making the process potentially a year long (who knows). UPDATE: Oct 2023 It is simply a miracle that they have getting people their license in about a month. Hats off to the Maryland State Police Licensing Div.
7. Bring lots of food, water, and whatever you need to remain focused in the shooting range for 6 hours.
8. Please respond to this posting and rsvp times that you plan to attend live fire sessions. We will mark you to confirm the dates.
9. Please bring the best tactical pistol you have. The pistol you would use for self defense. (preferably made or designed in the last decade or so.) There is no need to bring 2 or 3 guns. (it will only confuse things). Best to focus on using the best gun in your inventory for this training. If for some reason you have no pistol, you may use our Glock 17, 9mm or Smith and Wesson 915 9mm. Today's tactical pistols have no safety and no hammer, if your pistol has one or both of these, then it is already obsolete in the world of tactical shooting in 2023 (no offense intended). We highly recommending getting a Glock, S&W Shield, a Springfield XD or a pistol that is right up there with those pistols. Unfortunately, revolvers are no match for our criminal opponents that are now carrying high end pistols with high capacity magazines (17 shots)(see Baltimore City police facebook page for guns they are taking off criminals these days). It's just food for thought. No worries if you come with a revolver. We train with them too. We will get you up to par with a revolver or what ever pistol you have also.
10. We are hearing that appointments for fingerprinting may be needed, so call before you show up at a fingerprinting location. Make an appointment for your prints around the time you will be done with the live fire training. 16 hours. A student recently told us that the QAC Sheriffs office also need to have appointments for fingerprints. I would call before showing up there.
11. We cannot qualify you with less than 16 hours of training. We are mandated by the Maryland State Police to provide the training and we are legally required to provide the full 16 hours of training and the qualification live fire course. It's the law. Please do not ask us to make an exception.
12. You may be on the range shooting with multiple other shooters also obtaining their wear and carry permit. It is loud, cold, uncomfortable and sometimes hot brass can contact your skin in the course of shooting from other pistols. Like with the hobby of horse ridding, you can fall off the horse, you can also get bumps, cuts, burns and bruises while shooting.
13. No pictures, videos or other recording devices during training. We don't want our picture taken and other students need to have their privacy respected, please no videos or photos, we really appreciate it. We also do not have time to provide a photo shoots during the precious shooting time. We need all focus on safety and listening to the commands of the range official and on shooting.
14.This 16 hour training is NOT a PAY & PASS COURSE. You can fail. Here are a few ways to fail. 1. Not shooting a qualifying course (Although you will get many chances) 2. Not completing the required hours for training. 3. Failure to follow commands and habitually demonstrate unsafe gun handling conditions for yourself, Instructor and other students.
15. DO NOT bring anyone with you that is not a registered student in the wear & carry training. DO NOT bring any pets with you.
Our recent Feb. 2023 poll yielded some great advice from former HQL students of ours.
QUESTIONAs a graduate of our pistol training, what advice would you give to new students attending our upcoming pistol classes?
Stay current on changing laws.
Take notes and listen to a very experienced professional about firearms.
This program is outstanding. The content was very thorough and coached with tremendous competency. Barry’s expertise combines real life examples from an established expert and his teaching style was terrific and constructive. Our class was equally divided between women and men and everybody felt very comfortable with the content, environment and pace. We even got a chance to simulate some tactical drills. Needless to say, I highly recommend this class to anyone interested in expanding their confidence and knowledge.
Do some pre-reading in case you're not familiar with the basics.
Take it seriously. Go slow. And practice in your mind - through visualization and rehearsing of the steps, principles, and scenarios.
Be prepared for hands on tactical type training. This is not your run of the mill rushed over booked class. This is closes thing to one on one personal training.
Do as much research on your firearm prior to the class.
If you own a firearm and think that you know all you need to know about it, you don’t,… pay attention!!
I have a VA drivers license and a home in VA plus a residence in MD and I received a HQL - for future reference and info
Practice often, support 2A advocate groups, always prioritize safety
Take notes and ask questions
Make sure you are fully paying attention and take notes.
Know that you are being trained properly, don't take any corrections personally Barry wants you to be comfortable with your weapon and will take the time to make sure you are! Sure.
I feel more confident in how I handle a handgun and how to protect myself.
Act like a sponge and soak in Barry's knowledge and experience
Need to be true to yourself and understand the undertaking you're embarking on and all it's responsibilities... self defense is fine, but what that really means to you is different for everyone and those responsibilities are also different... be true and aware for self analysis .
If your background is good, take wear and carry due to day one of two is considered your HQL.
This class made me feel competent to use a gun. It also instilled a proper amount of caution about gun safety. I feel safer with a gun in my home and the knowledge on how to use it. Thank you.
Leave your ego at home, bring plenty of ammo. You will come out of training a better shooter. (Wear and Carry Student)
Be responsible
Listen, Pay attention, Ask questions and relax. You'll learn well what you need to know.
Come with an open mind and ready to learn.
Pay attention to the details and allow yourself be taught the right way even if you think otherwise. It’s a lot of class time and they need to find practice time. But, I was not comfortable practicing on my own at first.
Come with an open mind, even if you are experienced with firearms. Always seem to learn something new at each attendance.
Ask that question if you have one, don't be shy.
Listen to Barry because I learned he has been spot on with all his information and training.Practice, practice practice.
Prepare to have an educational and fun experience!
They're in for a very important, valuable training that is real necessary if you want to properly use a firearm.
Pay attention and learn
Make a plan to continue practicing your new shooting skills.
Pay attention to everything!
Get good insurance if you’re going to carry.
Pay attention.